Monday, December 30, 2013

Crescent Moon

If you're awake in New Mexico, look in the southeastern part of the sky...the crescent moon looks BEAUTIFUL!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

ISS View For New Mexico

At 6:00PM, New Mexico will be able to see the ISS gliding overhead for about 6 minutes!  It'll be moving from NW to SE.  Enjoy!  :-)


Simply awesome...needs to be seen...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Relaxing In Nature

Ahhhhh...there's nothing like leaning back against a tree, looking at the water rippling in the pond...until you realize none of that is happening in this photo.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Ho ho how long do we gotta stand here like this?  Merry Christmas, everyone...have a safe & enjoyable end to 2013, and a fantastic & prosperous 2014!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Looking For Christmas

December 21st...December 22nd...December 23rd...December 24th... it Christmas yet?!?

Hmmmm...maybe it's up there...

Yahoo Email

I can't access my Yahoo email right now.  I was a little worried until I saw this graph.  I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'm not the ONLY one... :-)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Weather For The Rest Of 2013

I'm happy to say that the weather for New Mexico through the end of 2013 looks good for travelling, so be sure to enjoy the trip! :-)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Tree/Cat Safety

I won't sit here and give cat owners a reason to be wary when putting a Christmas tree in your house. I'll sit here and give cat owners TEN reasons... :-)

Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter.

It is a rainy, snowy end of autumn and beginning of winter, my friends...
Winter begins in 5 hours and 40 minutes...

Friday, December 20, 2013

Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks

Here are the latest outlooks for January and for Jan/Feb/Mar:  The Four Corners states can expect a better chance for above average temperatures through the winter, with a better chance for below average temperatures around Montana.

For rain/snow, it's looking more promising in Montana than elsewhere in January, but for the Four Corners states we (once again) have a better chance for below average rain/snow through the winter and spring.  It doesn't make rain and snow impossible, the chances just aren't as good.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Our Moon & Jupiter

If you look to the west you'll see our Moon, and the bright light to its north is Jupiter.  If they were closer (from our vantage point) and you had a telephoto lens, you could see an amazing conjunction of them like this!  Have a great Thursday, everybody! :-)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dog "Decision Tree"

I posted this photo montage last December, but I love this dog's expressions so much that I decided it needed to make a comeback.  :-)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Haircut Day

Haircut day for me...I saw this and had to laugh.  Fortunately, my haircuts have never made me want to cry!  :-)  Have a great Tuesday, everyone!

Monday, December 16, 2013

You're Home Early!

OH!'re home early!  There's a, uh, perfectly good explanation for this.  As soon as I think of it, I'll be sure to let you know...

May Your Monday...

May your Monday be much better and more successful than this... :-)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sugar-Free Sugar

I really, REALLY want to know what is in this bag of "sugar"!  Is it empty?  Is it the answer to our world's hunger, obesity and diabetes problems?  Nobody knows!  :-)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sunbathing Beauty

My cat Simba knows how to stay warm.  Before sunrise, she's in front of the heating vent.  After sunrise, she's a sunbathing beauty.  Have a great Saturday!  :-)

High Diving Giraffes

Who knew giraffes were so agile?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Not only do I get to talk about snow on this Friday the 13th, but I get to wish my mom a Happy Birthday!  Fry from Futurama helps with his "Not Sure If..." :-)

Snow Twacks

You do realize we have wings and we can FLY, instead of walking on this snow, right?  I wasn't gonna say it, but I're DAFFY.  See what you made me do?

There was a little snow falling from the sky as I got the paper this morning, but not enough for me to make tracks, or ducks to make "twacks".  Have a great Friday!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Meatball Fun

I challenge you to have as much fun today as Meatball the Corgi has on this merry-go-round... :-)  Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Star Wars Selfie

Totally captured the rebel ship and blasted our way in.  Some "princess" said they're on a peace mission and didn't have the plans. I'm all like, yeah, right, whatevs!  Now we have to follow some pod to a desert planet.  I'm NOT going down there wearing's way too hot! Anyway, SELFIE! #Tattooine #Rebelscum #DarkSide4Eva

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It Feels Like...

Angel Fire: -19. Taos: -9. Gallup: -8. Grants: 1. Farmington & Raton: 2. Moriarty: 3. Clines Corners: 4. Santa Fe: 6. ABQ Double Eagle: 9. ABQ Sunport: 14.

It's a COLD morning in New safe and warm everyone!

It feels like ice, ice baby. You're welcome. :-)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Cold Monday

BAHHHHH!  My paws!  It's so cold out here!  Where are my shoes?!?

Stay warm's a cold day in New Mexico!  Have a great Monday!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Running Errands

Do you have some running around to do?  You may want to do that today, because even colder air is coming to New Mexico starting Monday.  Stay safe and warm!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

So Much Cold Montana Air...

My hometown of Dillon, MT has been below freezing for 110+ hours in a row, and below zero for 80+ hours in a row.  -14 now.  18 above in ABQ seems tolerable...

Friday, December 6, 2013

Cold, Snowy, Icy, Foggy New Mexico

When it is THIS foggy in Albuquerque, the visibility will be even worse in other parts of the state.  New's cold, icy and foggy.  Stay safe and warm everyone!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cold Temperatures Coming!

Lows tomorrow morning will range from the 10s to the -10s, New Mexico!  Keep your red and green from turning blue, and keep yourselves and your pets warm, too!

Watching The Snow

Well, there WAS snow falling...I know there was...I was watching it!

I can tell that the snow on the lawn is already melting, despite the lack of sun, wind and warmth. That's desert snow for you! Keep in mind, it will still be snowy and icy (with more snow falling) east of the Sandias and Sangre de Cristos. Please be safe!

Snowy, Icy Roads

These dogs are taking full advantage of the snow, but they're on the slopes.  Make sure you're careful when you make your way on our snowy, icy roads today!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Hang On!

Hang onto your feathers, everyone...the wind is already getting stronger!  You'll need all the feathers you can get when the snowy, colder weather arrives, too!  Be safe!

Spinning River Ice

This is an awesome spinning ice mass in North Dakota donchaknow?  Ohyeahsureyabetcha!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Cold Air Is Coming

Highs on Thursday in New Mexico will be 20 to 50 degrees colder than today...

Get your chores & errands done, have your fun, then stay safe & warm everyone!

Remember to keep your pets safe & warm, too!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday?  Sure...why not?  :-)   (

If you, your friends or family like to play cards, you'll LOVE my GOLPH Card Game!  Fun for all ages, very easy to learn and inexpensive, too!  GOLPH is only $5 per deck, and if you buy 2 or more you get a free deck!  It's a great gift and/or stocking stuffer!  You can order from my website, and there is a demonstration video, too (

Thank you!  Have a great day and week!